Nivin Pauly, the most successful young actor of the industry, will romance Namitha Pramod and Remya Nambeesan in the upcoming directorial venture of National Award winning filmmaker cum actor Sidhartha Siva. Earlier, it was reported that Nivin Pauly will have three female leads in the movie. But as of now, the team hasn’t revealed any details about the third leading lady of the movie. Nivin is playing a student leader in the movie. The untitled movie, which will start rolling by the third week of September, will also have Sreenivasan, Maniyanpilla Raju, Sudheer Karamana, Neeraj Madhav, Aju Varghese, Joju George, Tony Luka etc in the other pivotal roles.
Namitha Pramod has earlier shared the screen with Nivin Pauly in her debut movie, Sathyan Anthikad’s romantic comedy, Puthiya Theerangal. Interestingly, the movie also had Sidhartha Siva, the director in a supporting role. The actress has always stated that Nivin Pauly is her favourite co-star and expressed her desire to work with him again, in several interviews. Fans consider Namitha Pramod as one of the ideal leading ladies of Nivin Pauly. Remya Nambeesan and Nivin Pauly have earlier acted together in the acclaimed movies English, which was directed by Shyamaprasad and psycho-thriller Arikil Oral. But the actress is pairing up with Nivin for the first time.